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A Photo A Week Challenge: Three

The Nancy Merrill challenge for this  week.

3 cats3 siblings

3 flags quilt

First, the 3 cats who live here enjoying a treat. Next a picture of 3 siblings in my family, all dressed up for a special occasion maybe.  Life very different from today where we take 50 photos and select the best, this may have been a once a year situation.  Last my quilt contribution to “three”.  A Quilt Of Valor display had this quilt with 3 flags on it.



Posted in 2017, Aging, Rambling thoughts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

Today Is My Birthday, Again

71 birthday cake

Funny how that birthday thing happens about the same time each year, only the numbers change.  This year I am 71 , so I can say I am in my 70’s and not feel silly for using that phrase.  Hey, I am old enough I can use any phrase and not feel silly for saying it until maybe a month later when I hear it repeated back to me.

never be this young

My past year had so many glorious moments I can’t even list them all.  I had several bucket list items crossed off the list and a few added.  I made some new friends and reconnected with old friends. As is the usual in our lives, I also had some devastating events.   I lost some good friends that should not have left this earth yet.

old birthday.jpg

I am still learning about myself and this world, so that is a good thing.  I am mostly making forward progress and that is a positive thing. I am consciously working at improving my health and taking positive steps in that direction.

71 cake

It’s a good day.

Posted in 2017, Aging, Airplane, Quilts, Rambling thoughts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

Smithsonian Museums, A Quick Trip


We managed to sneak in a quick side trip to Washington DC for a few hours between cities.  We knew it would be a short trip and only planned on one museum, but we got 2 in.  DC, if you are on the east coast is a great quick trip for travelers of all ages and much of it is free.

The 2 we visited today were American History and Natural History, and as usual both were very busy.  It is wonderful to see school children from the area and around the country at these museums.  Our tax dollars keep them running and started them in the beginning, so what a good use of dollars.

Since we had a short time available, we could only have a quick trip to see some of the iconic items on display.  The good part is, my teenage travel companions both loved them.  We now have made plans to come and visit again!

The above are Natural History next is American History and they liked both for different reasons.


Looks like we found a quilt, but it is individual canvases.  Very interesting.


Posted in 2017, Aging, Rambling thoughts, Yes

Happy Father’s Day

My own father has been gone for more than 40 years and I still miss him and talk to him all the time.  So today I was just wanting to wish all fathers a happy day.   While I was doing some research on the origins and days of celebration I came across this poem.  I hope you enjoy it and have a very happy Father’s Day.

fathers day

My father knows the proper way
The nation should be run;
He tells us children every day
Just what should now be done.
He knows the way to fix the trusts,
He has a simple plan;
But if the furnace needs repairs,
We have to hire a man.
My father, in a day or two
Could land big thieves in jail;
There’s nothing that he cannot do,
He knows no word like “fail.”
“Our confidence” he would restore,
Of that there is no doubt;
But if there is a chair to mend,
We have to send it out.

All public questions that arise,
He settles on the spot;
He waits not till the tumult dies,
But grabs it while it’s hot.
In matters of finance he can
Tell Congress what to do;
But, O, he finds it hard to meet
His bills as they fall due.

It almost makes him sick to read
The things law-makers say;
Why, father’s just the man they need,
He never goes astray.
All wars he’d very quickly end,
As fast as I can write it;
But when a neighbor starts a fuss,
‘Tis mother has to fight it.

In conversation father can
Do many wondrous things;
He’s built upon a wiser plan
Than presidents or kings.
He knows the ins and outs of each
And every deep transaction;
We look to him for theories,
But look to ma for action”
― Edgar A. Guest

Posted in 2017, A Photo A Week Challenge, Anchorage, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

A Photo A Week Challenge: Boats & Ships

I am trying to do the photo a week challenge by Nancy Merrill, this week it is “Boats & Ships.”

alaska cruise ship

This is a cruise ship that was in the harbor in Seward Alaska.  It is the first cruise ship that was going north through the northern passage.  It was traveling with its own ice breaker ship in the lead. This was going from Seward to New York City and was going to take 3 months.

boat out of water

Two of my son-in-laws were very happy with the purchase of this old boat, so happy they could not wait to put it in water to enjoy it.  Big boys and their toys.

ship quilt

What a pretty quilt with a nice variety of ships on it.

Posted in 2017, motorcycles, Rambling thoughts, Travel, Yes

Small Local Bike Show

My  daughters sil works at a small beer and burger place and wanted to sponsor a bike show as a fun thing to do on a weekend.  So she asked  a few patrons and a few family member for ideas and set a date. A few posts went out on Facebook pages and were shared.  A sign went up in front of the restaurant and the show was on.

About 45 bikes showed up, and the place was busy all Sunday afternoon. There were 3 different categories of bikes, vintage, custom and stock.  No rule book to decide what category restrictions were, like how old vintage was, just up to the rider what category they wanted to be in.


This really turned out to be a fun way to spend a hot Sunday afternoon.  Prizes were awarded based on popular vote, everyone in the place could vote. So if you are looking for a fun event, maybe look at your local motorcycle shop to team up with.

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Finding a Groove in Troubling Times — elisa ruland

There was much more to May than spring flowers this year. My husband and I have two sister-nieces who celebrated landmark school graduations, and our daughter graduated from college and happily joined the work force. Our local high school girl’s lacrosse team won its 11th state championship, and our friends from Maryland have a son […]

via Finding a Groove in Troubling Times — elisa ruland

Posted in 2017, Aging, Quilts, Rambling thoughts, Senior Salon, Sewing, Yes

Who Changed My Socks

purple socks

Or maybe I should ask when did my socks change. We now have socks that make a statement, or support a cause, or may change lives.  I used to be concerned that mine kept my feet warm and dry, but they are so much more now. The only time socks made a difference earlier was Donny Osmond’s purple socks.

Today socks are stripes or polka dots or both and celebrate holidays. It is also OK if they don’t match your outfit or each other.  This is a whole new world. This is true for men, women and children.

My favorite socks of all time, sadly I don’t have a  photo of them.  They have Halloween colors of purple and black and say ” Trick or treat, smell my feet.” I do wear them year round and they are pretty worn, but I am sure I will keep wearing them until I find a replacement.

As with most things I relate to quilts, I was not sure how that would be possible, other than a quilted Christmas Stocking.  Recently I found a quilt made from those socks that have had half the pair eaten by the washer or dryer. Simply cut the sock in half lengthwise and stitch it to the top of a quilt.  Amazing how clever people are.

socks quilt