Posted in CFFC, postaday, Quilts, Rambling thoughts, Sewing, Travel

Hot And/Or Cold

One of my favorite examples of Hot and/or Cold.

hot and cold

Sadly I have one of those minds that remembers unimportant trivia.  The “hot and cold” water towers were featured on a television show at least 25 years ago, but they certainly made an impression on me.

I equate most things to quilts, so here is a great example of a quilt with warm and cool colors working beautifully together.

hot and cold quilt

Posted in 2017, Aging, Anchorage, Quilts, Rambling thoughts, Sewing, Yes

Reunited With My Clothes

lost clothes 5.jpg

No, I have not been running around without any clothes, but its been the same ones for over a year.  If you are new to reading this, a little over a year ago I closed up my  home and went to Anchorage for a summer job.  Because I flew to Alaska, I was limited to 2 large suitcases and one small carry on, I guess I could have done more, but it would have been expensive.

'It's $50 for the extra bag, $20 for a reassuring smile and $30 for a ‘have a nice flight.''

So my clothes and shoes and fabric all went into a storage unit to wait for my return.  I came to one of my daughter’s homes for several days before I flew up to my summer adventure.  Because we drove here, I could just pile things into the car and sort it out here.  Now I am back visiting that daughter and the clothes I left behind.

Can You Describe It?

I think this is how people prepare to live in those adorable tiny houses  You are allowed 4 pairs of jeans, 6 t-shirts and 3 pairs of shoes, or some such thing.  Having lived much of my life as a clothes-hound, that is beyond my comprehension.  I have cut down drastically since retirement and no need to dress for the office every day. But I have found out a new love for my old things……WHAT??

lost clothes 2

I could not remember what was here and “knew” a certain pair of boots was going to be among the items.  Not so.  My favorite shorts, those lightweight jackets  I love to layer in the summer and my favorite bathrobe were all here waiting to greet me. It was better than being a kid at Christmas.  You know how the “experts” tell you if you have not worn an item in a year get rid of it, I will agree with that thought.  This is different, we were separated, I will still take a hard look at what I need to take back to my new temporary home.

lost clothes 1

At least now I am much closer to my things and can come back to visit my clothes and my daughter. Now for the tough choices, what will I wear today.   I am having a great day and hope you are also.

No Facilities

Or not. It’s not like I’m running to be the next guy to attempt to sink the ship of state. No, I’m just submitting an entry in Linda G. Hill’s kinda-sorta-annual One-Liner Wednesday Badge Contest.

I entered last year, too. I didn’t win. I didn’t win the popular vote or the Electoral College vote. I got a few votes, the winner didn’t win by a landslidewide margin bigly amount. But, he won, and I liked his badge.

I have a ton of pictures of birds on this particular intersection of wires. Maddie and I pass them almost every Saturday, and they’re up there yammering up a storm. I’m not sure what birds talk about. Maybe good places to eat, good trees to nest in, that crazy red dog approaching, that guy with the camera, who knows. Anyway, I gathered a few of my favorites and I asked my…

View original post 195 more words

Vote for Me!

Posted in 2017, Aging, postaday, Quilts, Rambling thoughts, Senior Salon, Sewing, Yes

I See Quilts.

Not as bad as “I See Dead People.”  This just means that I look at a beautiful landscape and try to figure out how to turn it into a quilt.  I did not realize that everyone didn’t do this.  I know many of my quilt friends get it because they do the same thing.

college exam quilt

An honors course I took in college called “Women In Literature” gave us a lot of latitude to create our own final for the course.  Some wrote an essay about what they felt about the course; some made a video of one of the books we read; I made a quilt. The reading material translated in my mind to quilt blocks.

housewarming quilt

Many of us make quilts for all life experiences.  The birth of a child is an obvious one, however birthday and house-warming are a couple of automatic occasions in my mind.  Another occasion is the passing of a friend or family member, also a promotion at work fits the category.  We can’t forget as a fundraiser either.


I don’t believe this is a deadly illness to have, some may disagree when they see the size of my fabric stash.  If it falls down, it’s all over.  I would cite a lot of other examples, but my mind is already racing at my next blog post and what quilt will I use to explain it.  How would you gift a quilt or what event would you like to receive a quilt for?



Posted in 2017, Aging, Rambling thoughts, Yes

Mother’s Day Wishes

Happy Mother’s Day to all.  I hope you have happy things to do today with or for your Mother . Not everyone has that storybook picture perfect relationship with their Moms, but without them we would not be here, so just celebrate life.  I like to wish everyone a great day and hope that, at the end of the day, you have some happy memory of your Mom.

flowers in coffee cup

Posted in 2017, Aging, Rambling thoughts, Travel

Game Player

I don’t know if there is a 12 step program for game playing, but I probably should find one.  Hi, my name is Kathy and I like to play games.  Not the mind games that none of want to be a part of, but board games and card games even dice games.

game board scrabble

I grew up as one of six children and none of us agreed as to who washed dishes yesterday.  We all knew that either washing or drying and putting away the dinner dishes was going to be our chore at some point. My mom did not put a chore chart up on the fridge or on the wall, she knew.  But often we could get her to play a game of  Scrabble to see if maybe she would wash the dishes.  We always lost, but it was a way of delaying the inevitable.

game board monopoly

We also played cards at most events where family got together. Poker, Canasta and War  are the ones I most remember.  I had no idea how this might help me later in life.  Wait isn’t that a book, all I ever need to know in life, I learned playing cards.  Probably not.  The ones about first grade make way more sense.  Also, I never said I was a good card player.  It may have helped with social skills.

To this day I still play games.

game board canasta

At senior centers and apartments everywhere you will find people sitting around tables with board games or card games of all kinds.  Some days the bridge or pinochle or canasta players take over,  but mostly there is a variety of games at all times.  This becomes a social gathering for many,  it becomes family for some.

Now you can play almost everything online, but nothing beats the friendships, the skills and the memories created by playing games with your family and/or friends seated around the same table.

Posted in 2017, A Photo A Week Challenge, Aging, Airplane, Anchorage, firstfridays, postaday, Travel, Yes

A Photo A Week Challenge: Flying



One of the highlights  of my summer in Anchorage, Alaska was a float plane trip.  One of my grandsons came to visit and celebrate his birthday with mine, so we took a plane ride together in a Cessna that was 1 year younger than I am!  It was beyond description amazing.



Our pilot was well versed in the options to find wildlife on the mountain ranges we flew over and we saw a lot.  He took us over so many different glaciers, I lost count.  One more beautiful than the next. We landed in a lake that was formed by the runoff from 3 glaciers, opened the door of the airplane and handed us a giant ice cube. about 12 inches,  probably over 10,000 years old from a calving glacier.


I had to restrain myself and choose only a few photo’s.  I have been very lucky, flying many places in the world, on big new 777’s and tiny old regional jets. Some aircraft that looked like a crop duster in little one gate no-where’s-ville.  I have landed in huge modern international terminals, small antiquated  international terminals. But this flight circling the mountains  around Anchorage is one I will treasure.  The best time flying ever.


Posted in 2017, Quilts, Sewing, Yes

Back Art

Not that kind of back.  One thing I don’t like about many quilt shows  is the inability to see the back of the quilt.  It is sometimes a way to see how extensive the quilting is.  On some quilts because of the fabric or the color of the thread or if they used invisible thread, it is hard to see the complete quilting pattern. The back often times shows that up very nicely.

back art 2

Early quilters did not always have access to large pieces of yardage for the back of a quilt.  In many cases the back takes more yardage than it would to make a dress or shirt so it would have been pieced out of what was available. Once yardage was accessible many backs were pieced from a single fabric. Then, the equipment used to make the material improved, so not only was one fabric a possibility, but it could be one piece with no seams. Today we have all the choices ever used in the past.

back art 12

Many of today’s quilters will make a number of the required blocks for their quilt,  but they also make extra, just in case.  One or two make be slightly smaller or larger than the others.  If you are working with a variety of fabrics you may decide at the end you want a mixture of blue and green centers and you put all the purple centers to the side.

back art 5

For some, the perfect solution is to use the extra blocks as part of the back.  Some people wanting to use up extra fabric, simply piece 10 inch squares together to make the back.  Backs are sometimes a variation on the front side quilt, like a super sized 9-patch. Other backs are  a mixture of leftover blocks from other quilts and leftover fabric.  My head is swimming with the possibilities.

back art 4

The fun thing is todays quilts are often just as beautiful on the back as the front.  My personal rule of thumb, make sure the back doesn’t take longer then the front to piece together.  Enjoy the backs.


Posted in 2017, Travel, Yes

Hiking The Appalachian Trail

This is a blog done by a young couple hiking the AT.  It is fun to read their adventures and see the hike through someone else’s eyes.  Follow the link to their blog.


We made it to Fontana Dam! We’re camping at the shelter here known as the “Fontana Hilton.” It has free showers, bathrooms, a solar charger, and a water spigot. We had to hike a solid 12.9 miles to get here, but tomorrow we aren’t going to hike one little bit! Gotta bulk up on town […]

via Day 22 — A Day to Adventure