Posted in 2017, Aging, Anchorage, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Yes


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Cornflower, it is a chicken or egg kind of question.  Is the color named for the flower or vice versa.  In any case a lovely shade of blue as well as a charming flower.  Also a color found in sapphire gemstones.

A field of cornflowers in bloom is a wondrous thing to behold.

cornflower field

Just a beautiful is a quilt that incorporates this lovely color.

cornfower quilt

Posted in 2017, Aging, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Yes


Featured Image -- 3312

Our color quest has taken us to Cerulean blue. Cerulean is a deep blue used by artists in oil painting as a good depiction of sky colors.

cerulean painting

It was used by Monet in the sky and looks smashing in modern art as well.

cerulean 1

In clothing this color looks good on almost everyone.


Very beautiful in a quilt as well.

cerulean quilt


Posted in 2017, Aging, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

Pacific Blue


With the color challenge I have the joy of recalling my first time to see the Pacific Ocean and the beautiful Pacific Blue. As a Midwestern girl, the ocean was a part of a bucket list that I did not know I had yet. In my 20’s I moved closer to the east coast and had the opportunity to see the Atlantic in various places.

We had our great lakes so what could I possibly need with an ocean.  It was just saltier than my lake. So not until after I was in my 40’s did I go to the West coast to see the ocean.  The ocean was secondary to seeing a good friend in Malibu who had an ocean view for part of the day.  Early morning was the joy of seeing the fog move up and down the hill. Then a car ride and a stop on the beach to put my toes in.

Out in the evening, seeing the ocean as a backdrop to activity in Los Angeles area was very fun.  Houses and restaurants overlooking the ocean.  As we drove around to do a bit of sightseeing, I felt the unknown, until then, difference in the air as we got closer and further from the ocean.



This chair is a good representation of this color, however, I think this quilt is the color and the feel of Pacific Blue.


Posted in Aging, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Travel, Weekly Photo Challenge, Yes

100th Blog Post


I guess I am the only one truly impressed with this feat. When I hit the button to publish, no confetti fell from the sky nor did some band strike up the music.  It was just me sitting with my laptop and a total feeling of satisfaction.


I can say with full authority, that I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this. It was kind of like my turning 70, I truly did not plan for this to happen.  I thought I would put up some pictures of the adventures I was having as I was spending my summer in Alaska and turning 70 while I was there.


My original purpose was to communicate with my family in a simple fashion, so I did not feel the need to call everyone regarding my circumstances.  I found that I was getting way more feedback from strangers, than loved ones.  I truly have been enjoying the process of the research and the photography and the writing. I also think some of my skills in these areas has improved.

I did not expect this to become almost like a part-time job for me. I fully intended to stop when I left Alaska, that is no longer the case.  I have jumped into a bloggers universe and am trying to follow-up on a couple of challenges.


I am working on a weekly photography challenge and a daily color challenge.  The color challenge last for only 120 days otherwise that would take over everything else.  I am still doing some of my travel blogging.  In my case it all ties into my age, not getting any younger, and the adventures I am still in search of.


I hope that readers will continue on my adventures and I hope I inspire some of you to take your own adventures, however that presents itself to you.  Huge “Thank You” if you have read and or commented or like any of my posts.  Please stay with me for I truly feel “the best is yet to come.”

the best.jpg


Posted in 2017, Aging, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Yes

Blue Green


This is part of the Color Your World 120 day challenge and a difficult color to write about, because it fits into so many others. Depending on where in the color spectrum you have a paint chip card from the store you will have a variety of blue/green shades.


I like a blur of the colors to create that beautiful blue-green.


So is it somewhere in the middle or off to one end or the other, I think like with art much is in the eye of the beholder.  Now here is a quilt I really like.


Posted in 2017, Aging, Airplane, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

Outer Space


The color of outer space kind of baffles me.  Is it the color I see when standing on earth trying to see as far as I can above me, is it the psychedelic color that appears in my mind. Not having been in outer space, I can only take a cue from others on this.


As I look at the definition, I get lost and am grateful to those who understand this kind of thing. Neutrinos and low density particles mixed with electromagnetic radiation sounds like the Ghostbusters movie to me. So, I opted to do some of the fabric selection available now if you were making a quilt about outer space.



Posted in 2017, Aging, Airplane, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

Sky Blue in My World


We are in the Sky Blue zone today.  Here in the Midwest we have gray skies and blue skies and sometimes that scary green sky before a tornado.  My favorite uncle used to say his favorite color was sky blue-pink.  It frustrated his children since there was no crayon for that, but as adults so many times we see a sky blue-pink and think fondly of him.


I made sure my picture had some contrast so the blue of the sky really bounces off the clouds and grass.  This is another place it would be easy to get lost in, just lay down on the grass and watch the cloud formations roll by.


The next time you see this sky, send sweet thoughts to my uncle, or yours.  Just hope you do it with a smile on your face.  My quilts also reflect the sky, both blue and blue-pink. (One is vintage, 1940’s, so in that color wave.)



Posted in 2017, Aging, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Travel, Yes

Turquoise Blue in My World


Today our color for this 120 day color challenge is Turquoise Blue.  Turquoise blue brings to mind the sky, the sea and beautiful gemstones.  Many years ago when I was a teenager, a friend of my Dad and Mom had a rock shop.  He and his wife traveled to various parts of the country looking for rocks.  They brought them home and he cut and tumbled rocks, made jewelry and opened a small store where these items were sold.  I picked a turquoise ring to purchase.  And I still have it and wear it proudly.


Turquoise deposits usually form in iron-rich limonite or sandstone. Limonite creates dark brown markings in turquoise, while sandstone creates tan markings. These markings are remnants of the host rock within the turquoise, and can resemble splotches or veins. They’re called matrix. I really like the matrix in the stones and my ring does have this matrix


I think I could lie on the beach and look at the water forever, with a completely happy smile on my face.  It is such a calm and soothing color  The quilt I have selected is a combination of turquoise and brown and I really like those two colors together.




Posted in 2017, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Yes

Aquamarine in My World


Aquamarine a color and a gemstone. The color is named after the gemstone and is a beautiful soft blue shade. The name comes from Latin meaning water of the sea. It is also one of the birthstones for March and is used to celebrate 19th wedding anniversaries. This amazing gemstone is mined mainly in Brazil, but also is found in Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Pakistan, and Mozambique.


There is also a lot of ancient lore surrounding this stone.  The more blue in a stone rather than green is considered a more valuable stone. Also believed to have been used in rain ceremonies when rain was needed to help the crops.


I love my vintage Ball canning jars and use them whenever possible.


This is a timeless pattern, in a new setting with the beautiful shades of blue to help create the pattern.

Posted in 2017, Aging, Color Your World, Crayola 120 day challenge, cyw, postaday, Quilts, Sewing, Yes

Robin Egg Blue


When we are lucky enough to have the ability to peer into the Robin’s nest this is what we see.


As a child the song “When The Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin Along” by Bing Crosby was on the radio a lot.  Wow has the world changed! Of course now I find it on YouTube and listen as I am typing this on my laptop.  My grandparents would have flipped out, and we though we were the top of the universe then.  Ha.


The American robin since it is migratory is welcomed as a sign of spring, and  has a place in Native American mythology. One story of how the robin got its red breast by fanning the dying flames of a campfire to save a Native American man and a boy is similar to those that surround the European robin. The people of Pacific Northwest held it to be created by Raven to please the people with its song.

And a modern version of robin egg blue quilt.
